Experience has taught me that a retreat involving your school board and senior administrators can be a powerful tool for building your board’s...
Year: 2020
Beware of the Passive-Reactive Board
Over the years, a basically passive-reactive approach to governing – a model of sorts – has been passed down and has predominated – and probably...
Highline Superintendent Susan Enfield: Energizer-in-Chief Extraordinaire
Our readers will recall that the March 31 post at this blog, “Crises Demand Energizers-in-Chief at All Levels”...
Benjamin Rose Institute’s CEO Orion Bell: Connector-in-Chief Extraordinaire
Over the course of my thirty-plus years of work with nonprofit/public chief executives, one of the more dramatic CEO role shifts I’ve observed has...
Foothill Transit’s Doran Barnes: Energizer-in-Chief Extraordinaire
Our readers will recall that the March 31 post at this blog, “Crises Demand Energizers-in-Chief at All Levels”...
Rockford Superintendent Ehren Jarrett: Finding a Silver Lining in Crisis
As the video interview I recorded with Dr. Ehren Jarrett, Superintendent of the Rockford Public Schools (Illinois), indicates, he has been a...
Highline Superintendent Susan Enfield: Energizer-in-Chief Extraordinaire
Our readers will recall that the March 31 post at this blog, “Crises Demand Energizers-in-Chief at All Levels”...
The Board-Savvy CEO: De Facto Captain of the Strategic Governing Team
Governing is a team sport if there ever was one. I’ve never in my 30-plus years of working with nonprofit organizations come across a board that...
Virtual Board Standing Committees: More Than Just a Half-Way House
“Could our five-person school board be realistically divided into two, much less three, standing committees? Wouldn’t a committee with only two...
The Board-Savvy CEO: De Facto Captain of the Strategic Governing Team
Governing is a team sport if there ever was one. I’ve never in my 30-plus years of working with public and nonprofit organizations come across a...