Doug Eadie Blog
Have You Considered Adding a Chief Operating Officer To Your Executive Team?
A two-person executive office consisting of a chief executive officer who focuses on the relationship with the board, strategic planning, and...
Taking the Helm as CEO of Your District
We spent a lot of our time together last Saturday at the workshop I presented for AASA’s Aspiring Superintendents Academy (“Hit the Ground Running...
Don’t Over-rely on Human Relations in Building Your Partnership With the Board
The superintendent was a consummate people-person who had from the get-go paid close attention to the human dimension of her working relationship...
The Board Savviness of CEO Candidates Critical To a Solid Board-CEO Relationship
It was, as Yogi observed, “déjà vu all over again.” After I’d spent a couple of hours talking with the CEO who’d called me to talk about problems...
So You’re Thinking About Adding a Chief Operating Officer To Your Executive Team?
A two-person executive office consisting of a chief executive officer and chief operating officer (typically known as “COO”) is a staple in the...
Making Superintendent Evaluation a Powerful Relationship Building Tool
Truly board-savvy superintendents make sure that their board evaluates their performance at least annually, employing a well-designed process that...
Making Superintendent Evaluation a Powerful Relationship Building Tool
Truly board-savvy superintendents make sure that their board evaluates their performance at least annually, employing a well-designed process that...
Don’t Let Your Board Beat You To the Punch
A couple of years ago I got a call from the chief executive of a regional transit authority who wanted to discuss a situation that was causing him...
Don’t Let Your Board Beat You To the Punch
A couple of years ago I got a call from the chief executive of a regional transit authority who wanted to discuss a situation that was causing him...
Vision: Your Board’s Driver of Innovation and Change
This article originally appeared at our Extraordinary CEO blog. It is just as pertinent to public transit leaders. A few months ago I sat in on a...