Doug Eadie Blog
Vision: Your Board’s Driver of Innovation and Change
A few months ago I sat in on a meeting of the board planning committee of a nonprofit economic development corporation. We were running through an...
Dr. Devin Vodicka and 3 Students Discuss Vista USD’s Personalized Learning Initiative
A few weeks ago, during a conversation about educational innovation with Mort Sherman, AASA’s Associate Executive Director, Mort urged me to get in...
Board-Savvy CEOs Don’t Bury Their Board in Paper
I recently sat in on a fascinating work session involving a nonprofit board’s performance oversight and monitoring committee, the CEO, CFO and...
Don’t Wait Until the 11th Hour To Do Succession Planning
Many, perhaps most, transit board members and CEOs see succession planning as a negative process that boards get involved in when their relationship...
Another Insidious Foe: That Strategic Planning is a Powerful Innovation Tool
I tell the following true story in my book Changing By Design (Josey-Bass): Almost thirty years ago, when I was serving as budget officer of a state...
Two More Tips For Transit CEO-Aspirants
I opened the “Hit the Ground Running With Your New Board” webinar I recently presented for the New York Public Transportation Association by...
Fostering Innovative CEO Leadership: a Conversation With Bob Eckardt
Whenever you come across a nonprofit organization that is thriving and growing in these rapidly changing, challenging times, you’re virtually...
Make Sure Your Board Does a Really Good Job of Evaluating Your Performance
The really board-savvy transit CEOs I’ve worked with over the years make sure that their board regularly evaluates their performance, employing a...
Our Land of Opportunity – Still
This article originally appeared at my blog a little under a year ago. I thought it might resonate with our readers today. “You...
Our Land of Opportunity – Still
This article originally appeared at my blog a little under a year ago. I thought it might resonate with our readers today. “You...