Doug Eadie Blog
Abe Abraham on Thinking Your Way Out of the Ditch
I’m pleased to wholeheartedly recommend Abe Abraham’s new book, Thinking Your Way Out of the Ditch, which Abe describes in the podcast he recently...
The Blind Visionary Reaches Out Aggressively
Virginia Jacko is one of the most extraordinary CEOs I’ve ever worked with. Not only did she start all over again as a vocational rehabilitation...
Board Members as Ambassadors-in-Chief Part 2: Your Image Vision
The September 9 article at this blog, “Making Sure Your Board Members Succeed as Ambassadors-in-Chief,” points out that establishing a board...
The Governing Gold Standard
The last article posted at this blog, “Another Insidious Foe of a Solid Board-Superintendent Partnership,” tells how getting your school board...
Another Insidious Foe: Assuming That Fund Raising is a Key Governing Function
In one of the “board-savvy CEO” workshops I conducted recently, a participant – visibly upset – challenged my assertion that raising money wasn’t a...
Making Sure Your Board Members Succeed as Ambassadors-in-Chief
“What do you think about getting my board members more actively involved in our public relations efforts?” My response to the transit CEO who’d...
Another Insidious Foe of a Solid Board-Superintendent Partnership
You might recall that my April 14 article talked about an insidious foe of a solid board-superintendent working relationship: the assumption that...
Seven Extraordinary CEOs Wearing the Creator-in-Chief Hat
Extraordinary CEOs Michael Anderson (Canadian Society of Association Executives), Jeff Finkle (International Economic Development Council), Rick...
Make Sure Your Board Has Its Own Governing Mission
“Does your board have a detailed governing mission?” My question was greeted by some quizzical looks in a recent “board-savvy CEO” workshop I was...
The Extraordinary CEO as Energizer-in-Chief
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men...