Doug Eadie Blog
The Extraordinary CEO as Energizer-in-Chief
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men...
Don’t Get Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
“I’m caught between a rock and a hard spot, and it doesn’t feel good – in fact, kind of dangerous.” This is how the superintendent opened our...
Extraordinary CEOs Who Wear the Demystifier-in-Chief Hat
Little did I realize what I was getting into when I was offered my first managerial job after three years in the Peace Corps and graduate school –...
Extraordinary CEOs Who Wear the Demystifier-in-Chief Hat
This article was originally published at Little did I realize what I was getting into when I was offered my first...
The CEO as Innovator-in-Chief
Over the past year, four podcasts addressing business model updating have been posted at this blog, featuring Rich Browdie of the Benjamin Rose...
Demonstrating Your Board Savvy-ness in Board Interview Sessions
One of the K-12 governance trends we discussed during the session I presented at MASA’s Aspiring Superintendents’ Academy on May 20 was the rapidly...
Boosting Your Board’s Self-Esteem
Hundreds of interviews with transportation board members over the years have taught me a valuable lesson. Board members who take pride in their...
Not Much Glamour – But This Apparent Sow’s Ear Is Really a Silk Purse
“That doesn’t really sound very CEO-like” That was the initial reaction of a transit GM in our coaching session a couple of years ago when I...
Your Board Chair’s Paycheck
Around 14 months ago, I was chatting over lunch with the CEO of a national association about her incoming board chair. She was feeling pretty...
Gary Amoroso and Mia Urick on MASA’s Aspiring Superintendents’ Academy
A quarter-century of work with public and nonprofit CEOs and their boards has taught me that the preeminent factor...