Doug Eadie Blog
You’ve Got To Be Your District’s Innovator-in-Chief
As you all know, the school districts that thrive over the long run in today’s rapidly changing, challenging world are the ones that take command of...
A Case For Aggressive Image Building
And therefore since I cannot prove a lover to entertain these fair well-spoken days, I am determined to prove a villain and hate the idle pleasures...
Beware Of Planning Yourself Into a Box
How did I get into the business of helping nonprofit boards and CEOs build their leadership capacity? This is the first question Cheryl Ronk,...
Beware Of Planning Yourself Into A Box
How did I get into the business of helping nonprofit boards and CEOs build their leadership capacity? This is the first question Cheryl Ronk,...
Sue Buchholtz: Serial Social Entrepreneur
Sue Buchholtz, then President & CEO of The Spring, a nonprofit serving victims of domestic violence, made a vivid impression when I first met...
Preparing to Take the Helm at the Virginia Society of Association Executives
Nonprofit and public executives who are CEO-aspirants are a key target audience for our Extraordinary CEO Blog. Our aim is not only to help them...
Cleveland Orchestra Miami: A Venerable Performing Arts Institution Leads Strategic Change
This post originally appeared at Since it is pertinent to to leading strategic change in any kind of public or nonprofit...
Fear: the Insidious Foe of Positive Organizational Change
This post originally appeared at Since it applies to all nonprofit and public organizations, I'm re-posting it here. My...
Fear: the Insidious Foe of Positive Organizational Change
My most recent article at this blog, “Board Composition as a Conscious Growth Tool,” shared some really good news. The governance committee of a...
Don’t Unwittingly Invite Micro-management!
A superintendent called me earlier this week, asking if I’d be interested in presenting a governance training workshop for her school board. She...