Doug Eadie Blog
Whither Volunteer Involvement In Our Nonprofits?
In their informative and thought-provoking new podcast, two seasoned nonprofit leaders – Mick Fleming, President of the Association of Chamber of...
Performance Oversight Isn’t the Superintendent’s Responsibility Alone
“Falling fund a district slipup.” This is the headline of a front page article by Marlene Sokol in the August 8 Tampa Bay Times – about the...
Whither Volunteer Involvement In Our Nonprofits?
In their informative and thought-provoking new podcast, two seasoned nonprofit leaders – Mick Fleming, President of the...
What’s In Your CEO Professional Growth Portfolio?
The great majority of the public transportation CEOs I’ve worked with over the years have been conscientious self-improvers – devouring articles and...
Beware of the Emperor’s New Clothes Syndrome
“You’re pretty obviously over your head and can’t really understand what we’re doing. Instead of getting people riled up, why don’t you get...
Board-Superintendent Collaboration on the Monitoring Front
Bob Rader, Executive Director of the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education and a founding member of this blog’s Strategic Advisory...
Bagging Three Big Feathered Friends
Let me tell you a tale of two authorities’ very different approaches to presenting financial performance reports at their monthly board meetings. ...
Volunteering and Idealism
Several years ago I was walking through the student union at the University of Illinois-Urbana in December of my senior year thinking about law...
Volunteering And Idealism
Several years ago I was walking through the student union at the University of Illinois-Urbana in December of my senior year thinking about law...
Keeping the Board Chair-Superintendent Relationship Healthy: Tips From 6 Really Board-Savvy Superintendents
Our July 1 article at this blog, “Don’t Forget Your Board Chair’s Paycheck,” talks about board-savvy superintendents’ use of nonmonetary...