Doug Eadie Blog
Even Superb Performance Won’t Save a Badly Eroded Board-Superintendent Relationship
When I walked in Rich’s office for our weekly project review meeting, I found him slumped at his desk looking distraught. When I asked him what’d...
Top-Flight Performance Won’t Keep the Relationship With Your Board Healthy
When I walked in Rich’s office for our weekly project review meeting, I found him slumped at his desk looking distraught. When I asked him what’d...
Nathan Ohle Puts Stakeholder Relations Front and Center in Taking the Helm at IEDC
Building and maintaining close, positive, productive, and enduring working relationships with key internal and external stakeholders is now widely...
An Innovation Engine at Work: the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation
Nonprofit and public organizations blessed with visionary, determined board and executive team members are capable of...
A Compelling Case for Board Engagement In External Relations
In my workshops for school board members, superintendents, and superintendent-aspirants – including the one I presented at the 2022 AASA National...
Bagging Three Big Feathered Friends
Let me tell you a tale of two authorities’ very different approaches to presenting financial performance reports at their monthly board meetings. ...
Superintendent Leadership on the Governance Front: An Emerging New Model
Over the course of my 35-plus years working with superintendents and their school boards, I’ve conducted hundreds of one-on-one interviews with...
CEO Leadership on the Governance Front: Reflections on an Emerging New Model
This is how the chief executive officer of a large, urban public transit system responded to my question about engaging his board in the annual...
CEO Leadership on the Governance Front: Reflections on an Emerging New Model
This is how the chief executive officer of a large, urban public transit system responded to my question about engaging his board in the annual...
Creating Board Development Champions
You might recall that a year or so ago, we posted two articles on the subject of board capacity building – what is popularly known as board...