Doug Eadie Blog
My Hat’s Off To You – Dr. Goldman!
If we simply think about ourselves, our stress and our problems and what we have to deal with, we miss the greater view of life. It is not simply...
The Importance of Nonprofit Board Service
The Nonprofit Governing Experience
Volunteer Leadership of Beta Theta Pi
Lost And – Miraculously – Found
As Larry Gallatin, a fellow former Peace Corps Volunteer, and I walked from his car to the Thai restaurant where we were meeting Tariku Belay for...
There’s “Smart” And There’s “Smart”
Here’s a scenario that’s all too common. The CEO of a nonprofit association takes a really well-conceived, handsomely presented strategy for...
Information Overload The Enemy Of Creativity
I really do believe that I’ve become more creative in my work since becoming blind for the simple reason that I’m not bothered by as many...
Bristol, VA Reaches Out Aggressively
I was privileged to serve as facilitator of a tremendously productive and thoroughly enjoyable “Strategic Work Session” that the Bristol, Virginia...
Get Up Close and Purrsonal With Big Cat Rescue
Change Champions at Beta Theta Pi