While preparing for a four-hour Zoom work session recently with the superintendent and cabinet of a large Midwestern school district, focusing on...
Board Capacity Building
Two Lynchpins of a High-Performing Board Committee Structure
While preparing for an upcoming workshop with the CEO of a transit authority and her executive team recently, focusing on the nuts and bolts details...
3 Quick Fixes That Won’t Corral the Rogues on Your Board
“Rogue” board members are trouble makers who march to their own governing tune at their own tempo, with little concern about the impact on their...
3 Quick Fixes That Won’t Corral the Rogues on Your Board
I've met more than a few "rogue" board members over the course of my 35 years as a governance advisor. I define these board members as trouble...
Jeff Finkle: Master of the Nonprofit Governing Game
Since Jeff Finkle’s recent announcement of his impending retirement as the long-serving President/CEO of the International...
An Error of Judgment I Won’t Repeat
A little over five years ago I made an error of judgment that taught me a couple of really valuable lessons. I’d been retained by a Midwestern...
Board Standing Committees Supercharge Virginia Beach City Schools Governance
In the recent video interview I recorded with them, Board Chair Carolyn Rye and Superintendent Aaron Spence of...
Transforming the Clay County EDC Board Into a Governing Powerhouse
Early in my governance consulting career, I made a rookie mistake that taught me a valuable lesson that has served me well...
Solving the Board Development Puzzle: the How
Our readers might recall that the March 25 post at this blog dealt with two pieces of the board development puzzle: WHAT does board development...
Solving the Board Development Puzzle: the How
Our readers might recall that the March 25 post at this blog dealt with two pieces of the board development puzzle: WHAT does board development...