Our readers might recall that the March 25 post at this blog dealt with two pieces of the board development puzzle: WHAT does board development...
Board Capacity Building
Launch Michigan: MASA Leads Statewide Out of the Box K-12 Innovation and Change
As you’ll learn from the video interview I recently recorded with Board President Andrew Brodie and Executive Director Tina...
Solving the Board Development Puzzle: the What and the Why
The half-day Zoom governance workshop I presented a couple of weeks ago for 25-some CEOs of a diverse array of economic and community development...
Solving the Board Development Puzzle: the What and the Why
The half-day Zoom governance workshop I presented a couple of weeks ago for 25-some superintendents of a diverse array of districts included a...
Solving the Board Development Puzzle: the What and the Why
The half-day Zoom governance workshop I presented a couple of weeks ago for 25-some CEOs of a diverse array of transit authorities included a...
Enriching ACCE Board Composition on CEO Sheree Anne Kelly’s Watch
As our readers know, governing is essentially a people business. Far from being an abstract concept, governing boards are essentially the people...
Training a Weak Tool for Boosting Board Performance
David Brooks’ column in the January 1 issue of the New York Times, “We Just Saw How Minds Aren’t Changed,” reminded me of a superintendent coaching...
Don’t Unwittingly Turn Your Board Members Into Victims of Poorly Designed Structure and Process
A transit CEO called me not long ago, asking if I’d be interested in presenting a governance training workshop for his transit board. He explained...
Don’t Unwittingly Turn Your Board Members Into Victims of Poorly Designed Structure and Process
A superintendent called me recently, asking if I’d be interested in presenting a governance training workshop for her school board. She explained...
Bringing New Board Members On Board – the Right Way
The GM, along with his top five executives, made sure the two incoming board members, neither of whom had been involved with public transportation...