“The fog of despair hung over the land. One out of every four American workers lacked a job. Factories that had once darkened the skies with smoke...
Board-CEO Relationship
Don’t Count on Even Superb Performance Always Cutting it!
When I walked in Rich’s office for our weekly project review meeting, I found him slumped at his desk looking distraught. When I asked him what’d...
Using the CEO Evaluation Process to Help Cement Your Partnership With the Board
As always, I learned as much as I taught from the economic development chief executives participating in the workshop I presented on February 10 at...
CEO Evaluation: a Potentially Powerful Relationship Adhesive
At a daylong “High-Impact Governing Work Session” last fall, the board, executive director/CEO and executive team of Access Services in Los Angeles...
David Stackrow: Transit Volunteer Extraordinaire
By virtue of his or her highly visible and influential position as “CEO” of the board, a chair can . . .play a leading role in educating board...
Leaders, CEOs, Teachers: Birds of a Feather
In Chicago recently to present a program for nonprofit chief executives on board-CEO relations, I made a side trip to visit a well-regarded...
Board Evaluation of CEO Performance Can Be a Powerful Relationship Builder
Dave Stackrow and I weren’t able to cover the segment on board evaluation of CEO performance because we chose to leave more...
Four Governing Hats New-Model CEOs Wear
I’ll be in Chicago this coming weekend, speaking to around 300 chief executives from all over the country about practical ways to build and maintain...
Why We Wrote Building a Solid Board-CEO Partnership
This article is drawn from Chapter One of our book Building a Solid Board-CEO Partnership: A Practical Guidebook for Transit Board Members,...
The Prohibitive Cost of a Weak Board-CEO Partnership
Dave Stackrow and I are pleased to tell you that our forthcoming book, Building a Solid Board-CEO Partnership: A Practical Guidebook for Transit...