Many, perhaps most, transit board members and CEOs see succession planning as a negative process that boards get involved in when their relationship...
Board-CEO Relationship
Make Sure Your Board Does a Really Good Job of Evaluating Your Performance
The really board-savvy transit CEOs I’ve worked with over the years make sure that their board regularly evaluates their performance, employing a...
CDTA’s David Stackrow and Carm Basile on the Board Chair-CEO Partnership
I talked with Dave Stackrow, long-tenured Chair of the Board of the Capital District Transportation Authority (Albany, New...
Kick Off 2017 By Updating Your CEO Governance Strategy
Preparing for a recent CEO coaching session, I fine-tuned the process that I’d developed several years ago for updating the CEO’s Governance...
Surviving and Thriving With Your First Board: 3 Tips for CEO-Aspirants
I’ve lost count of the horror stories CEOs have told me in our one-on-one coaching sessions – about working with their first board after reaching...
Don’t Fall Into the Policy Governance Trap
A year or so ago, I got a call from a transit CEO desperate for help. The year before, he explained, his board had adopted a “policy governance...
Another Insidious Foe: Assuming That Fund Raising is a Key Governing Function
In one of the “board-savvy CEO” workshops I conducted recently, a participant – visibly upset – challenged my assertion that raising money wasn’t a...
Boosting Your Board’s Self-Esteem
Hundreds of interviews with transportation board members over the years have taught me a valuable lesson. Board members who take pride in their...
Not Much Glamour – But This Apparent Sow’s Ear Is Really a Silk Purse
“That doesn’t really sound very CEO-like” That was the initial reaction of a transit GM in our coaching session a couple of years ago when I...
Your Board Chair’s Paycheck
Around 14 months ago, I was chatting over lunch with the CEO of a national association about her incoming board chair. She was feeling pretty...