“Have you thought about publishing your own books?” No I hadn’t, and, to be honest, the question took me aback when I heard it a decade ago. I was...
Board Savvy Superintendent Blog Archive
Proven techniques for developing rock-solid board-superintendent partnerships
The Demand Side of Succession Planning: Ripe for Board Involvement
What a great week it’s been! I was privileged to spend four hours Tuesday morning in Nashville, presenting a workshop (“The Board-Savvy...
Demonstrating Your Board Savvyness
Experience has taught me – and I’m sure many if not most of this blog’s readers – that the more board-savvy its superintendent, the more effective a...
Policies Transform Culture in the Ithaca (New York) City Schools
Wearing my governance consultant hat, I’ve read through hundreds of board policy manuals over the years, and I have to say...
David Schuler and Helen Morris on AASA’s Aspiring Superintendents Academy
In my experience, brand new superintendents often travel a pretty rocky – and often perilous – road during their first year...
Time to Update and Fine-Tune Your Superintendent Leadership Resolutions
There’s wide agreement in the K-12 sector that one of the preeminent vehicles for building and maintaining a close, productive, and enduring...
How Ironic!
Over the years, I’ve been privileged to present a number of governance keynotes and workshops at AASA, NSBA, and state K-12 association meetings. As...
Don’t Let Fear Become an Insidious Foe of Board-Superintendent Collaboration
Several months ago I listened to a four-CD program by an American Buddhist nun, Pema Chodron. Titled “Smile at Fear,” the program, which was...
It’s Curtain Time
The curtain fell on a splendid production. The superintendent couldn’t have been prouder of the chair of the school board’s new Strategic and...
Engaging Board Members Creatively in Shaping the Annual Budget
The October 6 post at this blog made the case that superintendents – wearing the “Chief Governing Process Designer” hat – are well-advised to work...
Welcome to the Board Savvy Superintendent Blog Archive
Doug Eadie’s professional passion and his company’s mission are to empower public and nonprofit organizations by building governing board capacity and developing rock-solid board chief executive partnerships. A nationally prominent organizational developer par excellence, Doug specializes in building the governing capacity of public school districts, public transit authorities, and economic development corporations.