A light bulb went off while I was sitting in on a board-superintendent-executive team work session early in my consulting career. The...
Board Savvy Superintendent Blog Archive
Proven techniques for developing rock-solid board-superintendent partnerships
Two Preeminent Board Development Change Champions
The last post at this blog talked about the all-too-common resistance among board members to change on the governance front, often the result of...
Board-Savvy Superintendents Don’t Underestimate Resistance to Governance Change
Resistance to change has scuttled more than one change ship in the sea of K-12 governance; in fact, it makes sense to assume that whatever approach...
K-12 Enterprise Part 3: Leyden District 212’s Partnership with A 1 Tool Company
This is the third article in our series looking at what we’re calling the “K-12 Enterprise.” We’ve defined the K-12 Enterprise as a public school...
More on the K-12 Enterprise: Creating Satisfied Indirect Customers
Later today Superintendent Nick Polyak (Leyden School District 212, Illinois) will join Geoff Luther, the owner of A-l Tool Corporation, and Frank...
Leading the K-12 Enterprise
In Cleveland recently to facilitate a daylong board retreat, I dropped by the administrative headquarters of the Cleveland Metropolitan School...
Board-Savvy Superintendents Take “Caveat Emptor” to Heart
By all accounts, MaryEllen Elia was doing an outstanding job at the helm of the Hillsborough County Public Schools: significantly improving...
Taking the Helm as CEO of Your District
We spent a lot of our time together last Saturday at the workshop I presented for AASA’s Aspiring Superintendents Academy (“Hit the Ground Running...
Don’t Over-rely on Human Relations in Building Your Partnership With the Board
The superintendent was a consummate people-person who had from the get-go paid close attention to the human dimension of her working relationship...
Making Superintendent Evaluation a Powerful Relationship Building Tool
Truly board-savvy superintendents make sure that their board evaluates their performance at least annually, employing a well-designed process that...
Welcome to the Board Savvy Superintendent Blog Archive
Doug Eadie’s professional passion and his company’s mission are to empower public and nonprofit organizations by building governing board capacity and developing rock-solid board chief executive partnerships. A nationally prominent organizational developer par excellence, Doug specializes in building the governing capacity of public school districts, public transit authorities, and economic development corporations.