I opened the video webinar I recently presented for the board and superintendent of a Northern Virginia school division by observing that K-12...
Board Savvy Superintendent Blog Archive
Proven techniques for developing rock-solid board-superintendent partnerships
On the Eve of Independence Day
The following essay is excerpted from a post that originally appeared in this blog some four years ago. On the eve of our 2020 Independence Day...
The Retreat as a Board Capacity Building Vehicle
Experience has taught me that a retreat involving your school board and senior administrators can be a powerful tool for building your board’s...
Rockford Superintendent Ehren Jarrett: Finding a Silver Lining in Crisis
As the video interview I recorded with Dr. Ehren Jarrett, Superintendent of the Rockford Public Schools (Illinois), indicates, he has been a...
Highline Superintendent Susan Enfield: Energizer-in-Chief Extraordinaire
Our readers will recall that the March 31 post at this blog, “Crises Demand Energizers-in-Chief at All Levels”...
Virtual Board Standing Committees: More Than Just a Half-Way House
“Could our five-person school board be realistically divided into two, much less three, standing committees? Wouldn’t a committee with only two...
Energizer-in-Chief Redux: Stakeholder Relationship Management
“Incredible. We must be talking about 40 or more stakeholders.” This was one of the responses to the question I asked in the daylong governance...
Crises Demand Energizers-in-Chief at All Levels
“The fog of despair hung over the land. One out of every four American workers lacked a job. Factories that had once darkened the skies with smoke...
Top-Flight Performance Won’t Always Keep the Relationship With Your School Board Healthy
When I walked in Rich’s office for our weekly project review meeting, I found him slumped at his desk looking distraught. When I asked him what’d...
Making Superintendent Evaluation a Relationship Adhesive
As always, I learned as much as I taught from the superintendents participating in the preconference workshop I presented on February 12 at AASA’s...
Welcome to the Board Savvy Superintendent Blog Archive
Doug Eadie’s professional passion and his company’s mission are to empower public and nonprofit organizations by building governing board capacity and developing rock-solid board chief executive partnerships. A nationally prominent organizational developer par excellence, Doug specializes in building the governing capacity of public school districts, public transit authorities, and economic development corporations.