One of the erroneous governance assumptions that I described in the radio interview I did for the Michigan Business Network a few days ago is...
Board Savvy Transit CEO Blog Archive
Proven techniques for developing rock-solid board-CEO partnerships
CEO Bill Carpenter On RTS’s Award Winning New Transit Center
The Regional Transit Service’s award-winning Transit Center, which was named 2016 Project of the Year by the American Public...
Another Insidious Foe To Watch Out For
“But won’t I be inviting my board members into my business and leaving myself open to the kind of micro-management that can really disrupt my...
Beware of Those Insidious Foes That Can Do You In
I’m working on a new book about “insidious foes” of a close, positive, and productive board-CEO working relationship. The foes are erroneous...
Two Extraordinary CEOs Still Traveling the Continuous Leadership Improvement Road
Over the quarter-century I’ve been working with public and nonprofit chief executive officers, I’ve noticed that the ones who...
“What makes women such effective board members?”
"What makes women such effective board members?" That question came up over a glass of wine at the Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS) reception...
Our Land of Opportunity – Still
This article, which originally appeared at the blog, attracted so many positive comments that I thought this blog's readers might find...
Carm Basile and Steve Bland On Getting Ready To Work With a Board
The January 27 post at this blog – “How Ironic – and Dangerous!” – talks about how little attention has been paid to helping...
How Ironic – and Dangerous!
“How many of you have had a really comprehensive, in-depth course in working with a governing board – in graduate school or some other venue?” This...
Strengthening Your Board’s Performance Management Is a Wise Investment
In early October CEO Alex Clifford and his Board at Santa Cruz Metro spent a half day together discussing developments in the rapidly changing field...
Welcome to the Board Savvy Transit CEO Blog Archive
Doug Eadie’s professional passion and his company’s mission are to empower public and nonprofit organizations by building governing board capacity and developing rock-solid board chief executive partnerships. A nationally prominent organizational developer par excellence, Doug specializes in building the governing capacity of public school districts, public transit authorities, and economic development corporations.