While preparing for an upcoming workshop with the CEO of a transit authority and her executive team recently, focusing on the nuts and bolts details...
Board Savvy Transit CEO Blog Archive
Proven techniques for developing rock-solid board-CEO partnerships
What’s in Your Board Chair’s Compensation Package?
I’ll never forget walking into a transit authority’s board room several years ago. I found the board chair – a highly influential attorney –...
SEPTA’s Leslie Richards: Passionate Out of the Box Innovator-in-Chief
What I call “out of the box” innovation is the road less traveled for many if not most public and nonprofit organizations for a number reasons. Out...
How Transit CEO-Aspirants Can Demonstrate Board-Savviness to Search Committees
A major ongoing theme of www.boardsavvytransitceo.com has been preparing executive team members who are what we call CEO-aspirants to build...
Boosting the Governing IQ of the CEO-Aspirants on Your Executive Team
In the video interview that’s featured in the October 26 post at this blog, “WeGo Public Transit’s Steve Bland: a Consummate Board-Savvy CEO in...
WeGo Public Transit’s Steve Bland: A Consummate Board-Savvy CEO in Action
As you’ll learn from the video interview I recently recorded with Steve Bland, Chief Executive Officer of WeGo Public Transit in Nashville, Steve is...
3 Quick Fixes That Won’t Corral the Rogues on Your Board
“Rogue” board members are trouble makers who march to their own governing tune at their own tempo, with little concern about the impact on their...
An Error of Judgment I Won’t Repeat
A little over five years ago I made an error of judgment that taught me a couple of really valuable lessons. I’d been retained by a Midwestern...
Joanna M. Pinkerton Leads a Panel Discussion on “Building a Solid Board-CEO Partnership”
I’m pleased to share the new video interview that our colleague Joanna M. Pinkerton, President/CEO of the Central...
Board Chair Trudy Bartley and President/CEO Joanna Pinkerton on Breaking the Traditional CEO Mold at COTA
Traditionally, at the top of the list of qualifications public transit boards specify when recruiting...
Welcome to the Board Savvy Transit CEO Blog Archive
Doug Eadie’s professional passion and his company’s mission are to empower public and nonprofit organizations by building governing board capacity and developing rock-solid board chief executive partnerships. A nationally prominent organizational developer par excellence, Doug specializes in building the governing capacity of public school districts, public transit authorities, and economic development corporations.