The Aspiring Superintendents Academy of the Mississippi Association of School Administrators is off to a great start, as Lisa Karmacharya, MASA...
Superintendent Professional Growth
Naked in the Public Eye: Talking With Superintendent/Author Oliver Robinson
If you’d like to know how Superintendent Oliver Robinson came up with the intriguing title “Naked in the Public Eye” for his new book, listen to the...
It’s Never Been Easier To Publish Your Own Book, So Go For It!
“Have you thought about publishing your own books?” No I hadn’t, and, to be honest, the question took me aback when I heard it a decade ago. I was...
David Schuler and Helen Morris on AASA’s Aspiring Superintendents Academy
In my experience, brand new superintendents often travel a pretty rocky – and often perilous – road during their first year...
Don’t Let Fear Become an Insidious Foe of Board-Superintendent Collaboration
Several months ago I listened to a four-CD program by an American Buddhist nun, Pema Chodron. Titled “Smile at Fear,” the program, which was...
Taking the Helm as CEO of Your District
We spent a lot of our time together last Saturday at the workshop I presented for AASA’s Aspiring Superintendents Academy (“Hit the Ground Running...
Six Hats That Extraordinary Superintendents Wear
As part of my superintendent and nonprofit CEO coaching work over the past several years, I've developed six "hats" that - in my experience - really...
The Extraordinary CEO as Energizer-in-Chief
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men...
Demonstrating Your Board Savvy-ness in Board Interview Sessions
One of the K-12 governance trends we discussed during the session I presented at MASA’s Aspiring Superintendents’ Academy on May 20 was the rapidly...
Gary Amoroso and Mia Urick on MASA’s Aspiring Superintendents’ Academy
A quarter-century of work with public and nonprofit CEOs and their boards has taught me that the preeminent factor...