Experience has taught me – and I’m sure many if not most of this blog’s readers – that the more board-savvy its superintendent, the more effective a...
Demonstrating Your Board Savvyness
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Experience has taught me – and I’m sure many if not most of this blog’s readers – that the more board-savvy its superintendent, the more effective a...
By all accounts, MaryEllen Elia was doing an outstanding job at the helm of the Hillsborough County Public Schools: significantly improving...
When I walked into a boardroom recently, I found the board chair – a highly influential attorney – fuming. When I asked what was wrong, he handed...
We were sitting in the superintendent’s office after the board meeting talking about her relationship with the board, and I asked her what she did...
Looking over columns from The American School Board Journal early this afternoon, I came across one that appeared in May 2009, “Governance: A...