Not long into my first in-depth conversation with Curtis Stitt, I realized that I was in the company of an uncommonly thoughtful CEO who was a...
CEO leadership
COTA’s CEO Curtis Stitt Reflects on Chief Executive Leadership
Not long into my first in-depth conversation with Curtis Stitt, I realized that I was in the company of an uncommonly thoughtful CEO who was a...
The Chief of Staff Alternative To the CEO-COO Structure
The two most recent articles at this blog have explored the CEO-chief operating officer leadership structure, which has proved very effective in...
So You’re Thinking About Adding a Chief Operating Officer To Your Executive Team?
A two-person executive office consisting of a chief executive officer and chief operating officer (typically known as “COO”) is a staple in the...
Fostering Innovative CEO Leadership: a Conversation With Bob Eckardt
Whenever you come across a nonprofit organization that is thriving and growing in these rapidly changing, challenging times, you’re virtually...
IEDC President & CEO Jeff Finkle on Learning From Mistakes
The last article posted at this blog, “So Tell Us About Your Failures,” makes the point that all CEOs fail at one time or another, but truly...
So Tell Us About Your Failures
Years ago I was working as a coach to a CEO search committee that was developing the questionnaire they’d be using in interviewing candidates for...
The Extraordinary CEO as Energizer-in-Chief
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men...
The CEO as Innovator-in-Chief
Over the past year, four podcasts addressing business model updating have been posted at this blog, featuring Rich Browdie of the Benjamin Rose...
Your Board Chair’s Paycheck
Around 14 months ago, I was chatting over lunch with the CEO of a national association about her incoming board chair. She was feeling pretty...