In addition to serving as superintendent of Illinois High School District 214, Dave Schuler dedicates countless hours to making this true tale of...
Doug Eadie
Joanna Pinkerton and Emille Williams Discuss the CEO-COO Partnership at COTA
In the video interview I recorded with them a couple of weeks ago, Joanna Pinkerton, President/CEO of the Central Ohio...
What, Me Afraid of a Big Board?
A little over four years ago, Jeff Finkle, President of the International Economic Development Council, and Virginia Jacko,...
Two Lynchpins of a High-Performing Board Committee Structure
While preparing for a four-hour Zoom work session a couple of weeks ago with the chief executive and executive team of a nonprofit economic...
Suzanne McCormick on Her First Year as US President, United Way Worldwide
Not long into the video interview I recorded last week with Suzanne McCormick, who took the helm as US President of United Way Worldwide a year ago,...
Highline Superintendent Susan Enfield: Energizer-in-Chief Extraordinaire
Our readers will recall that the March 31 post at this blog, “Crises Demand Energizers-in-Chief at All Levels”...
Foothill Transit’s Doran Barnes: Energizer-in-Chief Extraordinaire
Our readers will recall that the March 31 post at this blog, “Crises Demand Energizers-in-Chief at All Levels”...
Rockford Superintendent Ehren Jarrett: Finding a Silver Lining in Crisis
As the video interview I recorded with Dr. Ehren Jarrett, Superintendent of the Rockford Public Schools (Illinois), indicates, he has been a...
Why We Wrote Building a Solid Board-CEO Partnership
This article is drawn from Chapter One of our book Building a Solid Board-CEO Partnership: A Practical Guidebook for Transit Board Members,...
Comet CEO John Andoh Wearing the Innovator-in-Chief Hat
Experience has taught me that successfully implementing significant out of the box change initiatives depends on the strong leadership of a chief...