JJ Harris, President of the Clay County Economic Development Corporation in northeastern Florida and a member of this blog’s CEO Advisory Committee,...
nonprofit board development
What, Me Afraid of a Big Board?
A little over four years ago, Jeff Finkle, President of the International Economic Development Council, and Virginia Jacko,...
Two Lynchpins of a High-Performing Board Committee Structure
While preparing for a four-hour Zoom work session a couple of weeks ago with the chief executive and executive team of a nonprofit economic...
Overcoming the Inevitable Resistance to Change: the IEDC Story
“But we’ve always put our annual budget together in the board’s finance committee, and it’s worked well. Why in heaven’s name would we want to fold...
Creating Board Development Champions
It’s a fact of nonprofit organizational life that many, if not most, board members are not passionately committed to developing the capacity of...
Turning Your Board Members Into a Cohesive Governing Team: Part 1
Teamwork in the abstract is neither here nor there for nonprofit and public boards. The only serious reason for developing your board’s teamwork is...
Questions to Anticipate From Prospective Board Members
Veronica Dagher’s article in the December 11 issue of the Wall Street Journal, “What to Consider Before Joining a Nonprofit Board,” is useful...
Kick Off 2017 By Updating Your CEO Governance Strategy
Preparing for a recent CEO coaching session, I fine-tuned the process that I’d developed several years ago for updating the CEO’s Governance...
Association Forum CEO Michelle Mason on Developing Her Board’s Composition
Extraordinary nonprofit chief executives are extraordinarily board-savvy, meaning that among other things they take accountability for playing the...
What, Me Worry About a Big Board?
“Why in heaven’s name would I even consider it?” This how my colleague Jeff Finkle, President & CEO of the International...