This third podcast in our continuing series on nonprofit business model development features the CEOs of two very different...
nonprofit innovation
Planning Out of the Box: Updating CSAE’s Business Model, Part Two
“This couldn’t be more different from what many people call strategic planning,” I thought to myself as I listened to the...
About Nonprofit Business Models – A New Series of Podcasts
A local nonprofit serving adults and children with learning disabilities launches a number of business ventures (known as “social enterprises”) to...
Beware Of Planning Yourself Into a Box
How did I get into the business of helping nonprofit boards and CEOs build their leadership capacity? This is the first question Cheryl Ronk,...
Sue Buchholtz: Serial Social Entrepreneur
Sue Buchholtz, then President & CEO of The Spring, a nonprofit serving victims of domestic violence, made a vivid impression when I first met...
Board Composition As a Conscious Growth Tool
I recently sat in on a special work session of the governance committee of the board of directors of a large and influential aging services...
Cleveland Orchestra Miami: A Venerable Performing Arts Institution Leads Strategic Change
Founded in 1918, the Cleveland Orchestra has become one of the most sought-after performing ensembles in the world and has...
Virginia Jacko: CEO Extraordinaire
This inaugural post features a truly extraordinary CEO, Virginia Jacko, who became president & CEO of the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and...