I opened the video webinar I recently presented for the board and superintendent of a Northern Virginia school division by observing that K-12...
school board leadership
Virtual Board Standing Committees: More Than Just a Half-Way House
“Could our five-person school board be realistically divided into two, much less three, standing committees? Wouldn’t a committee with only two...
Energizer-in-Chief Redux: Stakeholder Relationship Management
“Incredible. We must be talking about 40 or more stakeholders.” This was one of the responses to the question I asked in the daylong governance...
Making Superintendent Evaluation a Relationship Adhesive
As always, I learned as much as I taught from the superintendents participating in the preconference workshop I presented on February 12 at AASA’s...
Southern Fairfield County, Connecticut Superintendents Discuss Enriching Board Composition
Earlier this week, I was privileged to facilitate a 1 1/2-day "High-Impact Governing Work Session" involving 15-some Southern Fairfield County,...
A Compelling Case for Board Engagement In External Relations
In my workshops for school board members, superintendents, and superintendent-aspirants – including the ones I presented at...
Harnessing the Power of Ownership in the Highline Public Schools
Turning board members into satisfied owners of their governing work through meaningful engagement in planning and other...
Transforming a Committee Chair Into a Stalwart Ally
The crowning achievement of the school board’s performance monitoring committee during its first year of operation was a complete overhaul of the...
Two Barriers to High-Impact Governing Performance
This post is drawn from Chapter 3 of my forthcoming book, Building a High-Impact Board-Superintendent Partnership: 13 Critical Questions You Need...
Joining the International CEO Profession
The following article is excerpted from Chapter Four of Doug Eadie’s forthcoming book, Building a High-Impact Board-Superintendent Partnership: 13...